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Advantages of Laser Doppler Flowmetry [Advanced Feature]

Principally, Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF) makes use of the fact that when a coherent, low-powered laser illuminates tissue, light is scattered in static structures as well as in moving blood…

MRI Small Animal Monitoring [Advanced Feature]

The BIOPAC MP160 System supports small animal MRI monitoring system for ECG, Heart Rate, EMG, blood pressure, respiration, temperature, pulse oximetry, CO2 and O2 gas analysis, electrical stimulation, and MRI…

Recording Swallowing/Deglutition [Advanced Feature]

Deglutition means the act or process of swallowing. There are many ways to record swallowing/deglutition. Using a pressure pad delivers high quality data and is much simpler than standard approaches…