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4T Human Physiology Conference [Page]

This conference has ended – was July 24-26, 2017 Learn from Leading Researchers How to Record and Analyze Human Physiology Data  Join your colleagues in Santa Barbara to meet with…

BIOPAC Overview of Uses, Publications, and Research [Page]

BIOPAC Uses: BIOPAC Student Lab—The Gold Standard for Life Science Instruction For educators who need a fast and easy-to-implement teaching solution, who desire to increase student engagement, or who wish to…

fNIRS Citation List [Page]

BIOPAC data acquisition and analysis solutions have been validated in over published  scientific studies and papers world-wide, including more than citations for fNIRS applications. We have compiled a list of interesting…

Psychophysiology Resources [Page]

BIOPAC data acquisition and analysis solutions have been validated in over published  scientific studies and papers world-wide! Get your introduction to popular Psychophysiology signal tracking, or browse our free advanced…

Research-FR [Page]

Des système, solutions pour de meilleures données, au service d’une Science de qualité Résultats reproductibles – pour un ou plusieurs sujets, une ou plusieurs expériences Les laboratoires de recherche d’aujourd’hui…

Consumer Neuroscience – fNIR Optical Brain Imaging

fnir oprical brain imaging for in-lab cognitive assessment

fNIR functional near infrared optical imaging systems measure oxygen level changes in the prefrontal cortex of human subjects. Each fNIR system provides real-time monitoring of tissue oxygenation in the brain as subjects take tests, perform tasks, or receive stimulation and allows researchers to quantitatively assess brain functions—such as attention, memory, planning, and problem solving—while individuals perform cognitive tasks. The fNIR device provides relative change in hemoglobin levels, calculated using a modified Beer-Lambert law.