BioNomadix 2Ch Wireless Heel-Toe Strike Transmitter

BioNomadix 2-Ch Wireless Strike Heel-Toe Transmitter

BioNomadix Dual-channel Wireless Heel-Toe Strike Transmitter

The Dual Wireless Heel and Toe Strike BioNomadix transmitter is specifically designed to measure two channels of strike data.

  • For Heel/Toe data, add the Heel/Toe Strike Transducer (BN-STRIKE-XDCR – separate purchase). Use two BN-STRIKE-XDCR transducers to record from both feet simultaneously.

The system will record heel/toe strike activity via two force sensitive resistors (FSRs) located in the associated transducer. Strike signal data is transmitted at a rate of 2,000 Hz, providing an extremely high resolution waveform. Raw data is bandlimited from DC to 10 Hz to provide a very high quality recording.

Use with a Logger or a matched Receiver. The matched pair incorporates internal highpass and lowpass filters to provide for high quality amplification.

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