BioNomadix 2Ch Dynamometer with EMG Wireless Set

BioNomadix Wireless Pressure-Based Dynamometer with EMG

The Dynamometry-EMG BioNomadix Pair consists of a matched transmitter and receiver module specifically designed to measure one or both signals.

  • Pressure-based Dynamometry—the dynamometer input directly measures dynamometry bulb pressure with units of kilograms per square centimeter. The resulting measured bulb pressure, for a given squeeze, can be calibrated against a perpendicular (normal) force, to the surface of the bulb when resting on a fixed surface. Raw data from the dynamometry bulb is primarily bandlimited from DC to 100 Hz, with sub-filtering options.
  • Electromyogram (EMG)—maximum input 10 mV pk-pk, minimum <1.5 µV rms. Raw data from the EMG channel is primarily bandlimited from 5.0 Hz to 500 Hz, with sub-filtering options.

Both channels transmit at a rate of 2,000 Hz, providing extremely high resolution EMG and Dynamometry waveforms at the receiver’s output. The high signal to noise ratio and high time-based sampling resolution permit the pair to be used for precise mean and median frequency, power spectrum, or integrated analysis studies in conjunction with simultaneous measurements of applied muscle force, manifesting as increased bulb pressure (kg/cm*cm).

These units interface with the MP160 (or older MP150) and data acquisition and analysis platform and AcqKnowledge software, allowing advanced analysis for multiple applications and supporting acquisition of a broad range of signals and measurements.


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