270 – Synchronizing Physiology Data Recording with Associated Video

Synchronized video coupled to simultaneously recorded physiological variables can help lead to better understanding of test results. AcqKnowledge 4.1 or above for Windows provides the ability to record a video signal which can be simultaneously collected with other types of time-series data, such as biopotential data (ECG, EEG, EMG, or EOG) or transducer data (electrodermal activity, force, pressure, temperature, accelerometer, goniometer, strain, etc.).

The key issue when performing simultaneous recording of physiological data and video data is synchronization. Because the video camera and associated digitizer are separate devices from the MP unit, the data from the video digitizer is only combined with data from the MP unit as they arrive to the AcqKnowledge application running on the computer.

This application note details the required hardware and software setup to time-synchronize two data streams, one from an MP data acquisition unit and the other from a video digitizer, such as a BIOPAC Multi-Camera System or High Frame Rate Camera System.

With this setup, it’s typically possible to obtain synchronization between physiological data and video data to within ±1 video frame (33.3 ms) over a one-hour period.

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Associated Applications

  • Exercise Physiology - Examine ventilation, oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide production, biopotentials, temp., and biomechanical signals simultaneously. Record wirelessly with BioNomadix.
  • EMG: Electromyography - Record surface, needle, and fine wire EMG—or wireless EMG with BioNomadix. Use real-time integration tools for immediate analysis or use automated EMG analysis routines.
  • Biomechanics - Use BIOPAC equipment for gait analysis, goniometry, ergonomics evaluation, range of motion, EMG, Remote Monitoring or to interface with third-party equipment.
  • BME Biomedical Engineering - BME data acquisition and analysis for Biomedical Engineering signal processing, including bioelectric and biomechanical studies


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