New Citations | Does Smiling Make You Happier? & More

BIOPAC provides software and hardware that allows research teams to study any physiological measure. Here are a few notable studies using BIOPAC equipment for ECGEDA, and HRV Analysis.

Intelligent Interaction Leading to Solutions

The research being done in the HCI space is amazing, as scientists continue to make computers more adept at communicating with humans, allowing more modern-day inconveniences to be solved. This study used a BIOPAC Data Acquisition system to measure ECG, EDA, and EMG while participants interacted with computers to validate current HCI research and see where future research is necessary. Read the full study: Sensors and Artificial Intelligence Methods and Algorithms for Human-Computer Intelligent Interaction: A Systematic Mapping Study (Bostjan Sumak, Sasa Brdnik, Maja Pusnik)

Are You Really Happy?

We have all heard that smiling more makes people happier. But is that true? These researchers, using a BIOPAC skin conductance transducer to measure EDA, looked at the impact that response-focused emotion regulation had on the body and whether those made participants feel better. Read the full study: Smiling won’t necessarily make you feel better: Response-focused emotion regulation strategies have little impact on cognitive, behavioural, physiological, and subjective outcomes (Nancy Bahl, Allison J. Ouimet)

HRV the Key?

Could Heart Rate Variability (HRV) be key in diagnosing Parkinson’s disease at an earlier stage? By testing the breathing patterns of participants and using a BIOPAC Data Acquisition system to measure ECG, researchers believe they have found a link. Read the full study: Characterization and classification of Parkinson’s disease patients based on symbolic dynamics analysis of heart rate variability (Guadalupe Dorantes-Mendez, Martin O. Mendez, Laura E. Mendez-Magdaleno, Brenda G. Munoz-Mata, Ildefonso Rodríguez-Leyva, Aldo R. Mejía-Rodríguez)

HRV & RSA Webinar      10 Best Practices


New Citations | BIOPAC in Speech and Communication Research

Speech and communication are integral parts of human relationships and development As such,...

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