New Citations | The Relationship Between Parent & Child

BIOPAC provides software and hardware that allows research teams to study physiological measures related to infants and toddlers. Here are a few notable infant and toddler studies using BIOPAC equipment to record ECGEDA, and RSA.

A Touching Mother and Child Study

Post-natal behaviors in rats, like licking and grooming their pups, cause decreased behavioral indices of fear and depression. Would that be the same for human mothers? By acquiring ECG with a BIOPAC Data Acquisition system and running it through AcqKnowledge Software to calculate respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA), these scientists were able to study the correlation between touch and bond between mother and child. Read the full study: Frequency of Infant Stroking Reported by Mothers Moderates the Effect of Prenatal Depression on Infant Behavioural and Physiological Outcomes (Helen Sharp, Andrew Pickles, Michael Meaney, Kate Marshall, Florin Tibu, Jonathan Hill)

Baby, Are You Listening?

A parent’s voice is usually helpful when needed to calm an upset infant down. However, could this be proven scientifically? With a BIOPAC Data Acquisition System to collect ECG signals from the infant, these researchers were able to see how specific vocal acoustic features regulated the infant’s biobehavioral state. Read the full study: Associations between Acoustic Features of Maternal Speech and Infants’ Emotion Regulation following a Social Stressor (Jacek Kolacz, Elizabeth B. daSilva, Gregory F. Lewis, Bennet I. Bertenthal, Stephen W. Porges)

The Right Key to Capture Attention

Do infants (aged 9 to 12 months old) respond to a familiar song or familiar voice? This study aimed to see what captured an infant’s attention longer. Using BioNomadix EDA leads to measure attention, the infants then heard songs sung by their own mothers and complete strangers. Read the full study: The song, not the singer: Infants prefer to listen to familiar songs, regardless of singer identity (Haley E. Kragness, Elizabeth K. Johnson, Laura K. Cirelli)

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New Citations | BIOPAC in Speech and Communication Research

Speech and communication are integral parts of human relationships and development As such,...

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