Contact Microphone
Part #: TSD108B

Contact Microphone

Record acoustical physiological signals

Precision Transducer for Research Data Acquisition

Detect heart sounds, Korotkoff sounds, rubbing or grinding (e.g., Bruxism), and more

The TSD108B is a Piezo Contact Microphone transducer with volume control. The TSD108B interfaces with the DA100C general-purpose transducer amplifier to measure a wide array of physiological sounds and pressure waves.

The TSD108B can

  • Measure heart sounds or Korotkoff sounds. For heart (including valve) sounds, the TSD108B can be secured to the respective torso location proximal to the source. When the TSD108B signal is recording sounds from the Brachial artery, simultaneously with the TSD120 blood pressure cuff signal, the Korotkoff sounds vividly mark the systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
  • Record the sounds associated with rubbing or grinding. (e.g., Bruxism).
  • Measure glottal activity and specifically record the production of both voiced and unvoiced sounds. To measure vocal cord behavior, the TSD108B is placed adjacent to the larynx.
  • Record the specific acoustical signature associated with the contraction of muscle fibers (place adjacent to striated muscle).

To listen to physiological sounds, as they are recorded, pipe the TSD108B signal through the STM100C Stimulator Module to drive an audio amplifier or pair of headphones.

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