New Citations | Measuring Emotions? We’re Guilty

BIOPAC provides software and hardware that allows research teams to study physiological measures related to emotion and affect. Here are a few studies focusing on affective science that use BIOPAC equipment to record physiological signals, including ECG and EDA.

Smiling Equate to Happiness?

Regulating one’s emotions is key to mental well-being and developing meaningful relationships. However, can it be proven that by actively regulating emotions, a person becomes more likable to others? This study measured EDA with BIOPAC transducers and amplifiers to see when participants were faking emotions, how others rated their interactions. Read the full study: Smiling won’t make you feel better, but it might make people like you more: Interpersonal and intrapersonal consequences of response-focused emotion regulation strategies (Nancy Ball, Allison J Ouimet)

A Hearty Approach to GuiltStudy Affect with BIOPAC

Could heart rate (HR), be key in discovering aggression in children? Using a BIOPAC Data Acquisition System and BioNomadix to record wireless ECG signals, these researchers assessed how physiological data correlated with the participant’s feeling of guilt when they pushed someone or broke a rule. Read the full study: Kindhearted: Ethical guilt and ethical heart rate reactivity codevelop with aggression across childhood (Jacek Kolacz, Elizabeth B. da Silva, Gregory F. Lewis, Bennet I. Bertenthal, Stephen W. Porges)

Helping the Helpers

With the pandemic among other things, health care providers have been through a lot the past two years. What if there was some way to create a training program that better prepared them to handle the stress, guilt, and other emotions they are likely to encounter on the job? These researchers used a BIOPAC Data Acquisition system to record EDA, PPG, and RESP while participants used digital platforms, like virtual reality, to see which training environments helped them remain calm in stressful situations. Read the full study: Digital Interventions to Reduce Distress Among Health Care Providers at the Frontline: Protocol for a Feasibility Trial (Binh Nguyen, Andrei Torres, Walter Sim, Deborah Kenny, Douglas M Campbell, Lindsay Beavers, Wendy Lou, Bill Kapralos, Elizabeth Peter, Adam Dubrowski, Sridhar Krishnan, Venkat Bhat)

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New Citations | BIOPAC in Speech and Communication Research

Speech and communication are integral parts of human relationships and development As such,...

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