New Citations | Heart Rate & Heart Rate Variability, Wingate Anaerobic Test, and Neuroscience of Music

HRV, EMG, and EEG studies using BIOPAC hardware and software include: DON’T STRESS Humans encounter various stressful situations everyday at work, home, and school. Such stress when experienced at high degrees and/or for a long duration of time could lead to cardiovascular diseases, cognitive dysfunctions, and psychological disorders. This study examined the validity of a novel physiological measurement […]

What makes you laugh the most?

Alan Macy Answers Proust Questionnaire BIOPAC co-founder and R&D Director, Alan Macy, was interviewed recently by Roger Durling for the Santa Barbara Independent. The article, “The S.B. Questionnaire: Alan Macy,” provided a background excerpt of the Santa Barbara entrepreneurs’ past as well as his answers to the Proust Questionnaire. The biomedical technology developed at BIOPAC reflects an ambitious […]

New Citations | Research in Motion

Physiological researchers have been studying the lower body through examining impacts of training, movement instruction, and innovative research measurements on an individual’s well being. The following articles represent recent developments in physiological research, moving our understanding of lower limbs and the body as a whole forward, one step at a time. The Importance of Form Improper […]

New Citations | Computer-Human Interaction

Technology is more interactive in a multitude of contexts, from completing tasks at work, looking for help online, to leisurely activities like news and video streaming. Understanding how to improve interaction between humans and computers can hold benefits in multiple situations. The following are recent human-computer interaction (HCI) studies. The Eyes Have It Nasser et al. […]

New Citations | Breath of Life

With new developments happening daily, it’s easy to forget to slow down and take a breath. Breathing can be as forgettable as it is crucial; the often forgettable automatic function inspires rituals in religions around the world. Studies have shown the importance of breathing not just in a spiritual sense but also in physiological health benefits. Lung functionality […]

Biofeedback Brought to Life

BIOPAC research systems are to be used in a unique project combining art and science. The performance, titled “Search for Simurgh” will intricately tie emotional stimulation of dance with physiological measurement of those participating. Directed by Kate Digby, Kent State assistant professor, the project recently won a $15,000 grant from the National Endowment for the […]

Students Get Smart

Science Night at Adams Elementary (Santa Barbara, CA) encourages students to discover, play, explore and learn about the importance of science and engineering in daily life. BIOPAC set up a BioNomadix Wireless Smart Center to allow students to record their heart rate. Electrodes were placed on students and leads were connected to a wireless transmitter that sent data […]

New Citations | Stimulation and Mental Processing

Recent developments regarding electric stimulation and mental processing have lead to interesting developments in psychophysiology and physiological sciences. The following studies look at developments in how we potentially care for and understand solutions to issues with mental health, as well as new ways to monitor electrical stimulus on participants. The ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) is […]

Alan Macy Honored as Local Hero

“Alan Macy: Scientist, Entrepreneur, and Visionary Community Builder” The Santa Barbara Independent honored Alan Macy as a Local Hero. “What makes Macy a Santa Barbara Independent Local Hero is the combination of vision, generosity, and persistence he has shown in bringing creative people together and in crafting innovative venues for them to collaborate. …For this, and for his […]

BIOPAC Releases New BioNomadix Smart Center System

Good quality data is important for reliable physiological research. No longer restrained to wires or stationary devices, BIOPAC’s newly released Smart Center is a lightweight and compact system designed to acquire quality data. The portable, wireless device offers high fidelity physiological data, allowing for subjects to be untethered while being recorded. The system includes the […]