TEAM Systems monitor up to 64 participants

New TEAM Systems are ideal for exercise physiology, sports conditioning , human factors, public health, and psychological studies TEAM Systems provide simultaneous real-time physiological monitoring for multiple subjects across a wide area. TEAM System physiology monitoring systems use RF telemetry for up to 64 people and include AcqKnowledge 4 software for advanced analysis. Each subject […]

BIOPAC opens European Office

BIOPAC is pleased to announce a new European Office in Bulgaria—the first of several planned offices to expand its sales, training, and support opportunities in Europe. The new BIOPAC office is staffed by Aleksandar Dimov, European Sales Executive. Alex joined BIOPAC in May 2005 as an Applications Specialist with a Masters in psychology from UCSB and […]

BIOPAC used to track ad response

BIOPAC hardware and software is used by Disney's media lab to monitor web surfers and track advertising effectiveness. Read Lab Watches Web Surfers to See Which Ads WorkBy BROOKS BARNES in The New York Times (Publisher: The New York Times; Date: Jul 27, 2009) BIOPAC equipment used in the lab to monitor participants as they […]

BIOPAC with WorldViz at Neuroscience Oct. 18-21

BIOPAC and WorldViz will be at Neuroscience booth 1871 to offer hands-on demos for physiological data acquisition and analysis plus Virtual Reality solutions. BIOPAC provides a wide array of solutions for data acquisition and analysis for life science research and education, including: new fNIR systems new noninvasive BP system MRI- human or animal biopotentials Virtual […]

Programmable Stimulator for E-Prime

BIOPAC announces a Programmable Stimulation System for E-Prime to control stimulus frequency and stimulus intensity for real-time stimulus delivery changes based on a subject's responses. The system includes a Constant Current and Constant Voltage Linear Isolated Stimulator (STMISOL), USB 4-ch D/A Unit, software utility for communication between E-Prime and the stimulator, a sample E-Prime experiment with the necessary interface […]

Dual Channel Gating Systems released

MRI Gating System for Two Signals Respiration and ECG or BP The DTU200 is a dual channel gating system for small animal MRI applications (human system available). It sends cardiac trigger pulses to the MRI when a respiration signal is in the quiet phase. Pre-processing filters and gain controls further refine the quality of the […]

fNIR Functional Near Infrared Systems Announced

BIOPAC and fNIR Devices offer new functional near infrared systems to study brain activity Emerging fNIR technology monitors cortical hemodynamic changes to brain activation and provides objective real-time response data BIOPAC Systems, Inc. announces new functional near infrared (fNIR) optical imaging systems to measure oxygen level changes in the prefrontal cortex of human subjects. The […]

BIOPAC generates 100,000 KWH with solar

BIOPAC Systems, Inc. crossed a milestone with its solar power—the company has generated more than 117,500 kilowatt hours (KWH) and saved 145,735 pounds of CO2 emissions since installing solar roof tiles in January 2007. Solar power covers 35-50% of the company’s power needs, depending on the season. In addition to solar roof tiles, the company uses motion […]

MRI Gradient Artifact Removal for ECG and EMG

New Methodology Removes Artifact      fMRI, MRI, Magnetic Resonance Imaging BIOPAC announces a new method to remove gradient artifact from physiological data recorded inside a functional MRI. The new technique allows researchers to record ECG, heart rate and R-R interval data from a subject while the MRI is taking images. The same technique also significantly improves […]

Mind Controlled Car uses BIOPAC Telemetry

Mind Controlled Car—the premier episode of the new Discovery Channel series “Prototype This!”—used BIOPAC equipment to measure a driver’s heart rate and GSR as indicators of mental state as part of a feedback system that turns the car off when a driver reaches “road rage.” The series features a team of expert engineers who work […]