Disposable RT Electrodes with Leads available

BIOPAC now offers a disposable RT electrode set of three electrodes with hydrogel centers and hydrocolloid ends that terminate in Touchproof leads. Electrodes are 25 mm x 10 mm with a 10 mm x 10 mm gelled contact area, and the micro-lead cables are 58 cm. Each box includes 20 sets of 3 electrodes. See […]

BioNomadix & NDT transform EMG data into sound for Compagnie Linga dance

BioNomadix devices were used to collect impulses produced by the movements and muscular activity of dancers, and then Network Data Transfer and digital programming were used to transform the activity into sound, creating a live “soundtrack” for the performance. This process was utilized in a choreographic work called Step 1, a collaborative development by Marco Cantalupo and […]

AcqKnowledge 4.2 released

AcqKnowledge software is an interactive, intuitive program that lets you instantly view, measure, analyze, and transform data. Perform complex data acquisition, triggering and analyses using simple pull-down menus and dialogs—no need to learn a programming language or new protocol. Acquisition Features — variable sample rates, pause mode, and stimulation design and control Display Features — […]

fNIR spectroscopy – JoVE article with video

Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE) Using MazeSuite and Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy to Study Learning in Spatial Navigation Hasan Ayaz1, Patricia A. Shewokis1,2, Adrian Curtin1, Meltem Izzetoglu1, Kurtulus Izzetoglu1, Banu Onaral1 1 School of Biomedical Engineering, Science and Health Systems, Drexel University2 College of Nursing and Health Professions, Drexel University If the player does not […]

BSL Update – New Lesson Customization Tools!

Biopac Student Lab update! BSL 3.7.7 Lessons & PRO BSL Lessons & PRO with updated teaching tools–now installed as one application–(for MP3X English/Windows systems) Click for Upgrade to BSL 3.7 Windows Data reports are now accessible from the Help menu when analyzing the data (Review Saved Data mode). When selected, a copy is automatically saved […]

Automated EDA Scoring – new video tutorial

AcqKnowledge includes a fully-automated electrodermal response scoring tool that locates skin conductance responses, visually identifies them in the record, and measures them. It also automates event related potentials (ERP) analysis by locating the onset of the stimuli and identifying a valid SCR. Preferences for the software allow the user to select: Phasic derivation method Highpass […]

NEW! BioNomadix Wireless Physiology Monitoring

Powerful wireless, wearable physiology monitoring devices for life science research NEW! BioNomadix from BIOPAC Full-bandwidth, high-quality data for a wide range of signals Comfortable for the subject and empowering for the researcher All the benefits of a wireless solution with the signal quality & integrity of a wired system Uncompromised wireless physiological subject monitoring Click […]

Vibromyography to Assess Quad Rehab After ACL Tear

A new application note for the Vibromyography transducer (TSD250) addresses how VMG can be used to assess quadriceps rehabilitation progress in a young adult male following ACL reconstruction. Vibromyography (VMG) has distinct benefits over dynamometry in that VMG recordings reproducibly reflect absolute muscle effort up to 100% of maximum voluntary contraction. Correspondingly, VMG can be […]

B-Alert Wireless EEG and Cognitive State Metrics

BIOPAC is proud to announce that they now distribute Advanced Brain Monitoring’s B-Alert® X10 product line. The B-Alert® wireless EEG system operates as a stand-alone wireless EEG system or interfaces with BIOPAC’s range of physiological monitoring devices. Now you can combine BIOPAC’s BioNomadix series of wireless physiological monitoring devices with the B-Alert® wireless EEG system. […]