New BIOPAC & SMI Webinar Recording Released: Integrating Eye Tracking Data with Physiological Measurements

The BIOPAC-SMI webinar “Integrating Eye Tracking Data with Physiological Measurements” recording has just been made available to view. In this exclusive webinar, which was held Tuesday March 8, BIOPAC and SMI experts present user case studies to demonstrate new research capabilities made possible by the plug & play integration of SensoMotoric Instruments eye tracking technology with […]

Indie Rock, Jealousy, and Muscle Exercise—New Citations

Indie Rock Relaxation: A recent study performed at Broom Community College studied the relaxation effects that Indie Rock music had on subjects. Unlike other studies, this experiment focused solely on the relaxation effects of music rather than comparing it to other relaxation methods. Heart Rate was measure using a BIOPAC MP System while subjects listened […]

Cardiac Fibrosis, Cryotherapy, and Hyperparathyroidism—New Citations

Gualou Xiebai Decoction on Cardiac Fibrosis: Gualou Xiebai Decoction (GXD) is a well-known traditional Chinese recipe that has been used to treat cardiovascular disorders for nearly two thousand years. While it is known as an alternative medicine treatment, there is a lack of studies that show its effect on cardiac fibrosis. Researchers thus tested its effect […]

BioNomadix Wireless Physiology Sensors used in Love Lab

Click to watch BioNomadix on NBC News | TODAY | Rossen Reports | The Science of Love Paul Zak, who runs a “love lab” at Claremont Graduate University and is also known as Dr. Love, says, “Love is chemical, so we can measure brain activity and find out who not only is attracted to each […]

TEDx Talk | Beauty and the Origins of Electrophysiology by Alan Macy

Alan Macy recently gave a TEDx talk in Hong Kong on how the concept of beauty influenced the early origins of electrophysiology.  Alan’s talk begins with early conceptions on how to quantify beauty and weaves its meaning with emotional feeling, taste, the galvanic cell, electrophysiology, the telephone, re-tribalization and the global theatre. You can view the […]

Helping Ben Find True Love—BIOPAC Systems Featured on The Bachelor

Here’s a fun application we haven’t heard of yet—using BIOPAC to test relationship compatibility! BIOPAC equipment was recently featured on ABC’s The Bachelor. In the episode, a “matchmaking test” was performed between the bachelor and several of his potential female companions to observe physiological changes that occurred while in close, one-on-one contact. BioNomadix wireless transmitters can be […]

Entropy in Humans, Opioid & Adenosine Receptors, & Neurological Responses—New Citations

Entropy Change in Human Physiological System Researchers at the NASA Human Engineering laboratory recently took a thermodynamic approach to human physiology to make inferences about internal entropic changes in response to cognitive stress. This novel approach utilized Maxwell relations, which are equations derived through mathematical manipulation of thermodynamic variables, to use physiological measures to calculate a […]

Benefits of Echium Oil, Ultrasounds, & Monitoring Speech—New Citations

Echium Oil vs. Fish Oil Food and Nutrition researchers have recently taken a look at the health benefits of stearidonic acid (SDA), an omega-3 fatty acid. It had been suggested that SDA has comparable effects on human health to those achieved by intake of fish oil. Rats were tested for blood pressure and electrocardiogram changes […]

BIOPAC Saves over Half a Million Pounds of CO2

BIOPAC Systems, Inc. crossed yet another milestone with its solar power—the company has saved more than 615,000 pounds of CO2 emissions by generating 410,000 kilowatt hours (KWH) since installing solar roof tiles in January 2007. Solar power covers 35-50% of the company’s power needs, depending on the season. In addition to solar roof tiles, the company […]

Skin Conductance Response in Partisan Politics

Political scientist Gregg Murray, Ph.D. recently published a post on Psychology Today regarding electrophysiological cues in highly political individuals. In it, he discusses the inherent biases of those identifying with a certain political party, and underlying physical evidence quantified using electrodermal activity. Murray cites a study performed by Petersen, Giessing and Nielsen in which partisan subjects were hooked up […]