New Studies with BIOPAC Solutions – March 2015

New publications have been released featuring BIOPAC research solutions. As always, these studies and more can be found over at our publications page. These brand new publications include:

  • Recovering Alcoholics Brain Reactivity to Alcohol: This study examined functional brain differences between individuals with varying amounts of time in alcoholic recovery. The researcher’s utilized a BIOPAC fNIR system to obtain brain activity in response to alcohol cues. You can find the whole study here.
  • Women’s Sex Related Disassociation: The study tested different factors (alcohol use, instruction to control arousal, sexual abuse) as predictors for women’s ability to be cognitively present during sexual activity. A BIOPAC MP150 system was used to measure participant’s arousal during erotic films. Click here to read the full paper.
  • Transferring Fear: This experiment tested if the release of adrenalin due to fear would produce what the researchers called “fear sweat,” a type of sweat associated with fear that produces a distinctive odor. The experimenters used a BIOPAC TSD200C to measure heart rate in individuals. Read the whole paper here.
  • Child Emotional Self-Regulation: This study hypothesized that parent emotional socialization practices predicted a child’s abilities in emotional self-regulation. The researchers used a BIOPAC MP150 system and here.


New Citations | BIOPAC in Speech and Communication Research

Speech and communication are integral parts of human relationships and development As such,...

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