New Studies with BIOPAC Solutions – February 2015

BIOPAC research systems have been featured in a number of recent studies. These new studies are just some of the 20,000 scholarly references featuring BIOPAC solutions and others can be found over at our publications page. Here are some of the highlights of the new papers that utilized BIOPAC products:

  • Reading Comprehension & ADHD Symptoms: This study explored reading comprehension in undergraduate college students. They used Biopac Student Lab software to record eye tracking data including fixation times and re-reading words or phrases. The full paper, as well as their surprising results, can be found here.

  • Caffeine on Strength and Muscle Activation: The experiment sought to examine the effects of caffeine on strength and muscle activation of the elbow flexors with thirteen active male volunteers. The experimenters used a BIOPAC EMG100C, along with BIOPAC EL500 electrodes, to record EMG from the participants. Download a copy of the paper now.

  • Couple Conflict: The study used skin conductance to measure physiological arousal during and after couple conflict to provide clarity on psychological reactivity to conflict and recovery. The researcher’s used a BIOPAC MP150 and GSR100C amplifier to measure physiological arousal. Download the full paper here.

  • Worry as an Avoidance Strategy: The study tested the theory that worry has the adaptive function to keep physiological arousal associated with anxiety under control. A BIOPAC MP150 System with TSD203 Electrodermal Eectrodes was used to measure skin conductance response (SCR) from the participants. Click here to download the full paper.


New Citations | BIOPAC in Speech and Communication Research

Speech and communication are integral parts of human relationships and development As such,...

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