New Citations | Analyze Fake News with Media Psychophysiology

Why do we so easily believe Fake News?

68% of Americans find their news through social media, and the prevalence of incomplete or deceptive news stories dubbed “fake news” has wormed its way into the fabric of modern-day media. In Studying the Psychophysiological context of Fake Newsan effort to study how social media based news is perceived, this study measured physiological responses to news articles viewed with established news media organizations, and found on social media websites, with several articles meeting the credibility threshold of “fake news.” Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and Skin Conductance (SCR) were recorded with a BIOPAC MP-Series with AcqKnowledge software. Read the full study:

Is Virtual Reality too overwhelming for our brains?

We all love science fiction representations of completely virtual worlds, from the classic Holodeck on Star Trek to the online VR battleground of Ready Player One. However, despite the ubiquity of VR as a novel step forward, new research suggests it impairs cognitive processing. EDA and ECG were recorded through AcqKnowledge as a recent study tracked how participants responded to 360-degree videos in Virtual Reality. Read the full study:

Virtual reality storytelling as a double-edged sword: Immersive presentation of nonfiction 360°-video is associated with impaired cognitive information processing (Miguel Barreda-Ángeles, Sara Aleix-Guillaume, and Alexandre Pereda-Baños)

Measuring how the sense of smell affects our desires

This study raises the possibility of bias introduced by the “sterility” of a lab environment for some conditions. Specific to this case, participants in a Virtual Reality environment were hooked up to an olfactometer for scent delivery introducing various scents, and tracking how these scents would affect their desires to react with certain behaviors. Triggers and responses were tracked in BIOPAC’s AcqKnowledge software using Event Markers. Read the full study:

Examining the impact of online rejection among emerging adults with borderline personality pathology: Development of a novel online group chat social rejection paradigm. (J. Richmond, K. Edmonds, J. Rose, K. Gratz)


New Citations | BIOPAC in Speech and Communication Research

Speech and communication are integral parts of human relationships and development As such,...

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