New Citations | Do We Really Trust Autonomous Vehicles?

A System to Measure Physiological Response During Social Interaction in VR

Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) have a difficult experience in responding to social cues and actions. This pilot study measured the effectiveness of Virtual Reality in creating a social environment for children, measured with a BIOPAC MP Series data acquisition system and Worldviz Vizard VR System.

Read the full study: A System to Measure Physiological Response During Social Interaction in VR for Children With ASD  (Karla Conn Welch, Uttama Lahiri, Zachary E. Warren, and Nilanjan Sarkar)

The Impact of Autonomous Vehicles’ Active Feedback on Trust

Autonomous Vehicles and Driving Modes could shape our futureif we trust in them. PC: Unsplash/Roberto Nickson

Self-driving technology could prove to change how human society is structured, from eliminating traffic in metropolitan areas, revitalizing the trucking industry, and even changing how we commute and travel in our cars. However, introducing this tech completely depends on a vehicle’s ability to instill trust in its human occupants as it screams along the highway at 65 mph, or swerves to avoid sudden obstacles in the road. Using BIOPAC MP160 data acquisition systems and AcqKnowledge 5.0, researchers measured biometric data in a driving simulator based on outputs from the vehicles human interface and instrument clusters.

Read the full study: The Impact of Autonomous Vehicles’ Active Feedback on Trust (Ana Mackay, Inês Fortes, Catarina Santos, Dário Machado, Patrícia Barbosa, Vera Vilas Boas, João Pedro Ferreira, Nélson Costa, Carlos Silva, Emanuel Sousa)

Physiological Evaluation of a Noninvasive VNS Device

The Vagus Nerveresponsible for stimulation of the heart & lungs, is a vital system whose erratic behavior is responsible for several heart disorders. In recent years, several studies have concluded that artificial stimulation of the nerve can help deter common cardiac-related health problems. In this study, researcher’s interest was in a patient well-being; namely, how the human body reacts to this nerve stimulation. For this study, participants were outfitted with BioNomadix® data acquisition systems measuring wireless ECG and EEG.

Read the full study: Physiological Evaluation of a Non-invasive Wearable Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) Device (Se Jin Par, Seunghee Hon, Damee Kim, Iqram Hussain, Young Seo, Min Kyu Kim)


New Citations | BIOPAC in Speech and Communication Research

Speech and communication are integral parts of human relationships and development As such,...

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