Use Case | Multiparticipant Studies

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Multiparticipant Studies| Use Case

Election Messaging

A political campaign needs to refine messaging for ads run in national broadcast markets to increase a candidate’s appeal across party affiliations and optimize votes.

The Challenge // Assess Candidate Favorability

  • Increase national candidate’s voter appeal within and across party lines
  • Assess platform messaging for effectiveness by party affiliation
  • Optimize candidate’s messaging before buying ad time

The Research // Goals

  • Measure participants’ response during campaign speech
  • Compare responses by party affiliation from participants who identified as Democrat, Republican, or Independent
  • Compare self-reported responses to messaging with objective physiological data
  • Determine which messaging elicits the most favorable response in each affiliation

The Solution // Technology Options

  • Wirelessly log facial EMG (fEMG) and Electrodermal Activity (EDA/GSR) as indicators of what participants like and dislike while they watch a candidate deliver a campaign speech
  • Use logger ‘tap” option for participants to self-report like/dislike within messaging segments
  • Tailor messaging based on like/dislike indicators to maximize appeal
  • Synchronize video of participants with video of candidate

The Results

    • BioNomadix Logger Systems were used to wirelessly record facial muscle activity (EMG from the corrugator muscle) and hand sweat (EDA)
    • AcqKnowledge software provided results for each participant as well as a composite of all participants
    • Self-reported responses were compared to objective physiological data of arousal and pleasure
    • Messaging was modified to optimize appeal across all affiliations
    • Adjusted ads were run in national campaigns


  • Shared experience in real or virtual environments
  • Individualized tracking
  • Synchronized biometric feedback
Technology Options

B-Alert X-Series EEG & Cognitive States

EEG + AcqKnowledge

Facial Expression Analysis

fNIRS (attention, confusion, cognition, credibility assessment)

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