Use Case | Branding

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Branding | Use Case

Stand Out in Competitive Market

A Fortune 100 company has developed a new energy drink to better compete in a saturated market. The company wants to lift its overall market share by disrupting competition. It plans to test branding elements before developing a national advertising campaign.

The Challenge // Branding

  • Select branding and messaging that drives demand for product in middle-class and upper middle-class markets
  • Compete with other products in market
  • Attain 10% market share in first year

The Research // Goals

  • Present three product prototype designs
  • Vary primary design colors: A = red, B = blue, C = white
  • Present logos and labels to participants on a computer
  • Collect physiological and self-reported response data for each design
  • Display branded elements next to competitive brands in the store to test for product adoption

The Solution // Technology Options

  • Show participants a series of images on a computer using Stimulus Presentation
  • Record eye tracking metrics for each image
  • Collect physiology data to determine changes in EDA, heart rate, and facial EMG
  • Capture participant’s subjective response via switch transducer or digital marker box

The Results

  • EDA data indicated a change in arousal
  • fEMG data indicated positive/negative valence (attractiveness/averseness)
  • Eye tracking data (i.e., Gaze Path, Areas of Interest, Heat Maps) was correlated with arousal and valence data
  • Self-reported, subjective responses were compared
  • Combined data indicated which brand elements generated a positive arousal and valence response
  • Design C was the winning design with the most significant change to arousal and valence
  • Design C was adopted by the company and product was released to the market with a 12% first-year performance


  • Compare messaging and identify emotional responses and behavioral changes
  • Identify the most efficient and effective messaging for the brand and ensure it’s consistent with the product and brand perception
  • Test large scale branding projects in the virtual world—store fronts, corporate livery, restaurant’s, etc.
Technology Options

B-Alert X-series EEG + Biometrics

fNIRS + Biometrics

Virtual Reality

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