Top 20 Questions to Ask Before Investing in a DAQ

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These 20 questions will guide you through the decision-making process to help you choose the best data acquisition system for life science studies.

There are many considerations in selecting the right data acquisition and analysis system (DAQ) to meet your experiment’s requirements and your project budget. To help researchers make the most of available resources and ensure they select the system that best supports their research, we’ve prepared a checklist of the “Top 20 Questions to Ask Before Investing in a Data Acquisition System.”

Before investing in a Data Acquisition System, ask…Physiology-signals

  • What type of signals do you want to collect?
  • What are the conditions under which physiological data will be collected?
  • Do you want to integrate and/or synchronize other systems, such as stimulus presentation, eye tracking, or imaging?
  • Are there peer-reviewed papers that have used the DAQ under consideration? If yes, how many citations?

Download the complete 20 Questions Checklist to make the best decision!

Complete the form to download the Top 20 DAQ Questions now.

BIOPAC life science research data acquisition and analysis systems have been cited in over 51,500 scientific articles and studies and are researchers’ tools of choice across the globe. To further enable researchers in their quest for discovery, BIOPAC presents this series of articles designed to empower researchers in obtaining research funding.


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