New Citations | Facial EMG, Shoulder Joint Abduction Angles, and Respiration and Seismocardiograms

Respiration Experiment using BioNomadix TransducerFacial EMG vs Automatic Facial Coding: Arvid Kappas, Dennis Küster, Pasquale Dente, Christina Basedow tested whether facial EMG automatic coding of facial movement provided a reliable assessment of facial activity. The researchers tested 23 participants learning the association of Japanese characters and sounds in interaction. Subjects’ EDA and EMG data was recorded using BIOPAC EDA100C and EMG100C. Find the presentation here.

Abduction angles of the shoulder joint: A major part of regaining shoulder motion after an injury is activating the infraspinatus muscle and minimizes the activity of the posterior deltoid muscle, which stabilizes the shoulder. Researchers thus investigated the best abduction angles that can provide the specified activation and minimization of said muscles. A BIOPAC MP150 system measured surface EMG from the infraspinatus muscle and the posterior deltoid muscle. Read the full study here.

Identifying Respiratory Phases using Seismocardiograms: Siesmocardiogram signals contain respiratory information but can be hard to analyze because of the effects respiration has on SCG data. That is why Zakeri et. Al tested whether their algorithm could use SCG data as a novel way to measure respiratory phases. The researchers used a BIOPAC respiration transducer to measure respiration effort from participants. Find the full paper here.



New Citations | BIOPAC in Speech and Communication Research

Speech and communication are integral parts of human relationships and development As such,...

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