AcqKnowledge Webinar | Find Cycle Peak Detector

Thursday, September 21, 2017

On Demand Playback

Mark Onset, Peak, and End of SCRs on the Waveform

This webinar will focus on the AcqKnowledge Find Cycle Peak Detector function. The Find Cycle detector is an incredibly useful tool that allows users to identify peaks or parts of waveforms to place event markers, automatically take measurements, or average and view the data in different formats. If you are new to AcqKnowledge, you will learn advanced techniques to quickly analyze and get the most out of your data. If you’re a long time user, you will probably see useful analysis functions work in conjunction with Find Cycle to expedite your analysis process. AcqKnowledge is a very powerful tool and there are many features that can save time and make life easier.

Frazer Findlay will present an overview of the Find Cycle analysis function. The webinar will also include a demonstration on sample data on how to locate and place event marks within a data file, take measurements at specific time intervals, how to use the time controls to place measurement cursors, average a waveform and how to display using a 3D surface plot, as well as go over the Find Cycle Clustering option.

Find Cycle Detector Presentation Slides

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