New Citations | Energy Drinks, Uninostril Breathing, Sub-Vocal Speech

emgactiverectifiedEnergy Drinks and Blood Pressure: Energy drinks are used to increase energy in the body through various physiologic means. Bashir Uddin, Mohiuddin Ahmad, and Mohd Abdur Rashid measured blood pressure changes as a result of energy drink consumption. Twelve adult male participants lay down after each consumed an energy drink. Their ECGs were then  recorded for about 95 minutes using BIOPAC’s MP36R System. Find the full article here.


Uninostril Yoga Breathing and Hemoglobin Levels: Researchers at the Division of Yoga and Life Science measured changing hemoglobin levels in the left and right prefrontal cortex as a result of controlled breathing techniques. Three participant groups were assigned different breathing techniques to perform for 15 minutes. Hemoglobin was measured both 5 minutes before the experiment and ten minutes into the experiment using the fNIR100B. Read about the experiment here.


Sub-Vocal Speech Patterns: Munna Khan and Mosarrat of the  Department of Electrical Engineering at Jamia Millia Islamia measured sub-vocal speech patterns with Hindi phonemes. EMG recording was the primary method used to recognize human articulatory muscle patterns. The BIOPAC Data Acquisition Unit measured EMG signals by placing sensors on the throats of several test participants. As the subjects silently spoke the phonemes, the MP System recorded the sub-vocal EMG signal. Find the full paper here.


New Citations | BIOPAC in Speech and Communication Research

Speech and communication are integral parts of human relationships and development As such,...

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