
cookiesThis page explains Cookies. Click Privacy and/or CCPA Notice for additional policy details.

This site uses cookies to store information on your computer. Some are essential to make our site work; others help us improve the user experience during your visit and through analytics for continuous improvement. When you visit our site, a Cookies notice will be displayed.

You can set some Cookie preferences through your device or browser settings, but doing so may affect the functionality of the Site/Service. The method for disabling Cookies may vary by device and browser, but can usually be found in your device or browser preferences or security settings. For example, iOS and Android devices each have settings which are designed to limit forms of ad tracking.


Cookies that are used on the site will depend on which parts of the site are visited. Some features will use cookies for remembering sort orders, open tabs on a page, etc. The common ones that are used are:

*The asterisk at the end of the cookie name will be replaced by a session ID, unique to that session.


Depending on how you entered our site and services you use on it, we may include cookies for page analytics and browsing behavior to help us improve the site.

We, and third parties with whom we partner, may use cookies, web beacons, tags, scripts, local shared objects such as HTML5, advertising identifiers (including mobile identifiers such as Google’s Advertising ID) and similar technology in connection with your use of this Site, third-party services (i.e., YouTube), and mobile applications. Cookies may have unique identifiers, and reside, among other places, on your computer or mobile device, on our web pages, and in emails we send to you. Cookies may transmit information about you and your use of the Site/Service, such as your browser type, search preferences, IP address, data relating to advertisements that have been displayed to you or that you have clicked on, and the date and time of your use. Cookies may be persistent or stored only during an individual session.

The purposes for which we use Cookies in the Service include:

Purpose Explanation
Processes Intended to make the Service work in the way you expect. For example, we use a Cookie that tells us your IP locations so we can localize content for you.
Authentication, Security, and Compliance Intended to prevent fraud, protect your data from unauthorized parties, and comply with legal requirements. For example, we use Cookies to determine if you are logged in.
Notifications Intended to allow or prevent notices of information or options that we think could improve your use of the Service. For example, we use a Cookie that stops us from showing you the signup notification if you have already seen it.
Engagement with Advertising Intended to make advertising more relevant to users and more valuable to advertisers. For example, we may use Cookies to tell us if you clicked on an ad to get to our site and your engagement on site.
Analytics Intended to help us understand how visitors use the Site/Service. For example, we use a Cookie that tells us how our search suggestions correlate to your interactions with the search page. Google Analytics Google Analytics is a domain owned and used by Google for loading content from their CDN. Content Delivery Network (CDN). Content Delivery Networks (CDNs) put website content on servers that are spread throughout the world. Google keyword advertising UI/UX analysis  reading, writing and deleting cookies Marketo Site Analytics Site Analytics

Cookie Policy

This Application uses Cookies. Cookies consist of portions of code installed in the browser that assist the Owner in providing the service according to the purposes described. Some of the purposes for which the Cookies are installed may also require the User’s consent.

Technical Cookies and Cookies serving aggregated statistical purposes

Activity strictly necessary for the functioning of the service

This Application uses Cookies to save the User’s session and to carry out other activities that are strictly necessary for the operation of the same, for example in relation to the distribution of traffic.

Activity regarding the saving of preferences, optimization, and statistics

This Application uses Cookies to save browsing preferences and to optimize the User’s browsing experience. Among these Cookies are, for example, those to set the language and the currency or for the management of first party statistics employed directly by the Owner of the site.

Other types of Cookies or third-party tools that might use them

Some of the services listed below collect statistics in aggregated form and may not require the consent of the User or may be managed directly by the Owner – depending on how they are described – without the help of third parties. If any third party operated services are listed among the tools below, these may be used to track Users’ browsing habits – in addition to the information specified herein and without the Owner’s knowledge. Please refer to the privacy policy of the listed services for detailed information.

How can I manage the installation of Cookies?

In addition to what is specified in this document, the User can manage preferences for Cookies directly from within their own browser and prevent – for example – third parties from installing them. Through the browser preferences, it is also possible to delete Cookies installed in the past, including the Cookies that might possibly have saved the consent for the installation of Cookies by this website. It is important to note that by disabling all Cookies, the functioning of this site may be compromised. Users can find information about how to manage Cookies in their browser at the following addresses: Google ChromeMozilla FirefoxApple Safari/ e Microsoft Windows Explorer.

In the case of services provided by third parties, Users can exercise their right to withdraw from the tracking activity by utilizing the information provided in the third party’s privacy policy, by clicking the opt-out link – if provided – or by contacting the third party

Notwithstanding the above, the Owner informs that Users may take advantage of: Your Online Choices. This service allows Users to select their tracking preferences for most of the advertising tools. The Owner thus recommends that Users make use of this resource in addition to the information provided in this document.

Data Controller and Owner

BIOPAC Systems, Inc., 42 Aero Camino, Goleta, CA 93117 USA –

Since the installation of third-party Cookies and other tracking systems through the services used within this Application cannot be technically controlled by the Owner, any specific references to Cookies and tracking systems installed by third parties are to be considered indicative. In order to obtain complete information, consult the privacy policy for the respective third party services listed in this document.

Given the objective complexity linked to the identification of technologies based on Cookies and their very close integration with the operation of the web, Users are encouraged to contact the Owner should they wish to receive any further information on the use of Cookies themselves and any possible use of them – for example, by a third party – carried out through this site.


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