New Citations | BIOPAC in Mobile Research

Mobile, wearable technology enables physiology researchers to gather real-time data in the real world. Take a look at this month’s citations on mobile studies and learn how to apply wireless, wearable tools to your research…

Cognition in the Wild: The Influence of Immersion in Nature on the Brain.focus in nature McDonnell, A. S., LoTemplio, S. B., Scott, E. E., & Strayer, D. L. (2023).

This study explored the effects of nature on attention-related brain activity. They had participants either view images of nature, go for a nature walk, or go on a wilderness adventure over the course of multiple days. Participants then completed the Flanker task and researchers used a wireless BioNomadix system to record EEG data. The results of each group were then compared to determine which had the greater effect on attention.

Investigating the Effect of Body Composition Differences on Seismocardiogram Characteristics. In 2023 IEEE 36th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS) (pp. 323-328). IEEE. Tokmak, F., & Semiz, B. (2023, June).

Researchers hypothesized that the medium characteristics of the human thorax would have a filtering effect on seismocardiogram (SCG) signals. Different frequency bands of SCG were used to classify and understand metabolism-induced changes in the respiration, vibration, and acoustic components of participants. Cardiac output was recorded using BIOPAC’s wireless BioNomadix and NICO systems.

Mental fatigue detection using a wearable commodity device and machine learning. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 14(8), 10103-10121. Goumopoulos, C., & Potha, N. (2023).

In this study, researchers aimed to find a solution for detecting mental fatigue unobtrusively on a regular basis. They recorded participants demonstrating mental fatigue using a wearable device (the BioNomadix BioShirt) with a single biomarker. Researchers detected mental fatigue based on HRV features that are shown to have significant differences after mental fatigue.

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New Citations | BIOPAC in Speech and Communication Research

Speech and communication are integral parts of human relationships and development As such,...

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