New Citations | Go Inside with Imaging Solutions from BIOPAC!

Physiological Lung Testing in the MRI to Find Damage from Military Deployments

Veterans from recent conflicts in the Middle East frequently suffer from WLI.

Our military veterans who served overseas in the middle east often come home with scars both seenĀ and unseen. For some vets, unfortunately, these scars can take the form of lung damage sustained due to sandstorms, burn pits, and other high toxicity situations apparent in wartime in a symptom known as War Lung Injury (WLI). North Carolinian researchers from Duke University and the Durham VA Med Center utilized pulmonary transducers developed for the MRIĀ to measure lung capacity during normal use. Read more: Utilization of of Iraq-Afghanistan War Lung InjuryĀ (Joseph G Mammarappallil, MD, PhD, Scott Shofer, MD, PhD, Martha S Carraway, MD, Jesse Tucker, MD, Samantha Womack, MS, Maureen Ainslie, MS, H Cecil Charles, PhD)

Diaphragm Imaging Comparison in Healthy and Sick Subjects

In the interest of advancing new medical treatments, a study was taken on a novel means to image human diaphragms called Tissue Doppler Imaging. The study measured the effectiveness of this new imaging system by comparing diaphragm action with healthy and ill patients in a subject group. A magnetic resonance compatible pneumatograph from BIOPAC helped record Pdi during the experiment. Read the full study: Ā Tissue Doppler Imaging of the Diaphragm in Healthy Subjects and Critically Ill PatientsĀ (Eleni Soilemezi, Savvoula Savvidou, Panagiota Sotiriou, Dimitrios Smyrniotis, Matthew Tsagourias, Dimitrios Matamis)

Measuring Blood Flow in the MRI to Monitor Alzheimer’s

Magnetic Resonance Imagers are a diagnostician’s best tool to view transdermal functions in the human body. To the extreme benefit of scientists everywhere, MRIs have become slightly cheaper as technology improves, and they are put to use in novel means to help us understand more about how the human body works. Here, cerebral hemodynamics (blood flow in the brain) were measured with an MRI in a study of Alzheimer’s Disease, and particularly how several indicators of flow compared between patients with the disease. A BIOPAC MP-Series Data Acquisition unit connected to a wireless BioNomadix Pulse Transducer recorded photoplethysmyography during the study. Read the full study from Emory University:Ā Modeling Cerebral Hemodynamics Using BOLD Magnetic Resonance Imaging and its Application in Mild Cognitive ImpairmentĀ (Brandon Christian Henley, Maureen Okafar, Ihab Hajjar)




New Citations | BIOPAC in Speech and Communication Research

Speech and communication are integral parts of human relationships and development As such,...

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