New Citations | Brain-Body Interactions, Prospective Memory, PPT Evaluation

Brain Body Interaction Experiment BIOPAC MRI EDABrain-Body Interactions: While it is generally agreed that the brain influences the physiological condition of the body, it is unclear what areas of the brain affect the body differently. Christine C. Guo, et al showed that the behavioral variant of frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD) is associated with reduced baseline cardiac vagal tone and that it correlates with left lateral function. Electrodermal Activity (EDA) was recorded from subjects using a BIOPAC MRI compatible EDA amplifier. Read the entire Brain-Body study here.

Prospective Memory: It has been suggested that Prospective memory (PM), defined as memory for future intentions, is enhanced under psychological stress. Satoshi Umeda, Saiko Tochizawa, Midori Shibata and Yuri Terasawa sought to strengthen this assumption by showing that PM retrieval was achieved through interaction with autonomic nervous activity. Cardiac reactivity was recorded from subjects using a BIOPAC Research System and PPG100C photoplethysmography amplifier. Read the full Prospective Memory study here.

PPT Evaluation for Cuff-Less BP: Pulse Transit Time (PPT), estimated as the time delay between noninvasive proximal and distal arterial waveforms, could theoretically permit cuff‐less Blood Pressure monitoring. Mingwu Gao, N. Bari Olivier and Ramakrishna Mukkamala compared noninvasive Pulse Transit Time estimates as a marker of blood pressure. BIOPAC ECG and PPG amplifiers were used to measure physiological data from swine during the experiment. Find the full PPT experiment here.



New Citations | BIOPAC in Speech and Communication Research

Speech and communication are integral parts of human relationships and development As such,...

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