Automated EDA Scoring Tutorial – Aug. 26

BIOPAC Automated Electrodermal Activity Scoring

Measuring Behavior Conference Tutorial: Thursday, Aug. 26 at 10:00 a.m.

In this tutorial, an introduction into the physiological basis for electrodermal activity (EDA) recordings will be given. The entire data analysis process for EDA (Electrodermal Activity) recordings using the AcqKnowledge software will be explained in detail.
The tutorial will be based on examples with real experimental data. The audience will be walked through the steps in the analysis process. Two types of data analysis will be covered: comparisons for EDA activity between different conditions in an experiment and event-related EDA analysis. Sample data will include trials from running the Iowa Gambling Task as well as two other experimental setups.

  1. Introduction to EDA recording and analysis.
  2. Overview of existing analysis techniques.
  3. Analysis based on tonic EDA; deriving phasic EDA from tonic EDA.
  4. Options for identifying SCRs (skin conductance responses), specific vs. non-specifics SCRs (SSCR vs. NSSCR) and SSCR/NSSCR Summary Count OptionsLocation of SCRs (skin conductance responses).
  5. Event-related EDA analysis using digital or analog markers.
  6. Special cases: dealing with skin conductance responses too close together; controlling stimulus delivery based on the current EDA activity via real-time signal monitoring in order to avoid stimulus delivery while a SCR response is in progress.
  7. How to modify the analysis routines to customize the analysis. Using BIOPAC Basic Scripting to modify the code for the analysis, create your own dialogs and automate the process completely.
  8. A discussion of additional enhancements that provide more options for multiple stimulus event types and unmatched events.

Additional topics can be addressed at the audience's request, such as customizing the existing analysis routines to fit the researcher's specific needs.

The scoring and automation tools help to standardize the analysis protocol and eliminate subjectivity. The AcqKnowledge software is not a locked system so users can edit the scoring and rerun any of the automated analysis routines using the edited file. The tools save an immense amount of time and provide measures that are otherwise too difficult to obtain. 

If you can't attend Measuring Behavior and would like to learn more about AcqKnoweldge scoring tools, contact your local rep (see US Offices and International Distributors) or email for details or a demo. 


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