Respiratory and Pulmonary Function – Pharm.

The BSL includes detailed lessons that include measurements of tidal volume, inspiratory capacity, expiratory capacity, functional residual capacity, vital capacity, total lung capacity, forced expiratory volume and maximal voluntary ventilation. The new gas analysis system provides a powerful tool for metabolic studies. Measure expired O2 and CO2 with lessons for VO2 max, respiratory exchange ratio, […]

Signal Analysis and Processing – BME

The BSL software has an extensive library of signal processing functions permitting graphical insight to analytical methods. The software can demonstrate the procedure and consequences associated with simple to complex signal processing methodologies. For example, students can view data before and after IIR or FIR filter processing, build a complex waveform from periodic signals (i.e., […]

Software API Option – BME

Use the software application program interface (ACKAPI ) to develop your own analysis programs to read the BIOPAC file format.

Stimulus-Response MP40

Biopac Science Lab with the stimulus response kit comes with one lesson focused on stimulus response: Lesson 11 — Reaction Time Fixed and Pseudo-random Intervals Lesson 11 demonstrates the effect of learning and physiological processes on reaction times. Students hear two presentation schedules of clicks through a set of headphones. With electrodes in place to […]

Transducers and Calibration – BME

interface for 3rd-party transducers

The BSL System employs a wide array of transducers that transform physical measures into electrical signals. The generic input design of the MP36/35 acquisition unit allows it to interface a huge variety of third-party or completely unique transducers. Students can use the BSL software to linearize and calibrate transducers and then compare results to expected […]