ECG: Cardiology

Modular construction...extreme flexibility

MP systems offer features to support nearly every physiological recording scenario. The following advanced features apply to the application you selected.

If you don't see an Advanced Feature that interests you, please contact BIOPAC so we can identify the best solution for your particular need.

Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Analysis Software

AcqKnowledge® includes a series of automated Heart Rate Variability (HRV) analysis tools that conform to international cardiology standards. It is possible to perform the analysis over user defined selections of data, or automatically within user specified time periods, or between stimulus presentation event marks, or user entered event marks. The user can also create focus […]

Heart Sounds

Record the sounds associated with valve openings and closings and with the flow of blood within the heart during the cardiac cycle. Place a TSD108 Physiological Sounds Microphone on the anterior surface of the chest over the heart to record heart sounds. To isolate different sounds, combine the heart sounds recording with the ECG and display […]

Off-line ECG Averaging

Use off-line ECG Averaging to quickly isolate changes in the ECG complex. Display the averaged ECG complex before, during and after dosing or exercising. Select an area and AcqKnowledge® will calculate the average ECG complex. By performing this routine for baseline, control and dosing additions, users can display all the results in one graph and […]

Online ECG Analysis – Heart Rate and Inter-Beat-Interval

The AcqKnowledge Rate detector has automated tools for deriving heart rate (HR) and inter-beat-interval (IBI) on a cycle-by-cycle basis. The Rate detector operates in both real-time and off-line modes.  The algorithm contains a list of preset options for subject settings – resting human, exercising human, small animal, etc. The presets inlcude algorithm settings to optimize […]

Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA) Analysis

AcqKnowledge® includes a fully automated Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia (RSA) analysis routine that measures the maximum and minimum changes in heart rate during respiration and reports the difference between the two values. The RSA routine requires two signals to perform the analysis: ECG Lead II and respiration. The software locates and marks the components of the […]

RMSSD for HRV Analysis

Root Mean Square of the Successive Differences (RMSSD) is one of a few time-domain tools used to assess heart rate variability, the successive differences being neighboring RR intervals. The automated analysis routine in AcqKnowledge® will perform the analysis within fixed time intervals, between event boundaries (user defined event marks), and focus areas within the data. The […]

Subject Mobility

BIOPAC® has several options that allow for the collection of physiological data from mobile subjects, including wireless BioNomadix® Transmitters/Receivers and Loggers, Mobita® Systems, BioHarness® physiological monitoring devices, and B-Alert X10 for wireless EEG. If you want to record physiological data from ambulatory subjects while they go about their daily routine, the wireless, wearable BioNomadix Logger is the […]

Template Analysis

The Template functions allow users to isolate abnormal ECG signals within the electrocardiogram recording. Select a representative ECG complex to create the template and AcqKnowledge will determine the template’s Correlation, Convolution, Mean Square Error or Inverse Mean Square Error with respect to the entire recording. Run the Cycle/Peak detector over the Template function results to […]

Ventricular Late Potentials (VLPs)

Apply signal averaging on the ECG signal to detect VLPs, the small-amplitude, short-duration waves that occur after the QRS complex and are precursors to cardiac arrhythmias. Perform off-line averaging to trigger on the R-wave peaks and average the time delta after each peak, then use the measurement tools to calculate the duration and RMS values […]


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