ECG: Cardiology

Modular construction...extreme flexibility

MP systems offer features to support nearly every physiological recording scenario. The following advanced features apply to the application you selected.

If you don't see an Advanced Feature that interests you, please contact BIOPAC so we can identify the best solution for your particular need.

12-Lead ECG Recordings

To record a continuous 12-lead ECG, use a WT100C Wilson Terminal to create a virtual reference electrode when measuring the transverse plane (i.e., precordial) ECG components [V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6]. The virtual reference is created by the summation of the Right Arm (RA), Left Arm (LA) and Left Leg (LL) electrode leads. See […]

Automated ECG Analysis

AcqKnowledge provides a fully-automated ECG analysis system. The software automatically identifies and labels the points of the ECG complex. It also calculates the amplitudes and timing intervals and pastes the results either into the Journal file or Excel® (see table below).

Automated Noninvasive Blood Pressure – Human

The NIBP100D Noninvasive Blood Pressure System automatically records noninvasive blood pressure. The NIBP100D system attaches to the fingers of a human subject to output a continuous noninvasive arterial pressure (CNAP) signal. The system will work for short and long-term studies that demand several hours of monitoring. Combine the blood pressure signal with a variety of […]

Automatic Data Reduction Using Epoch Analysis

Use the powerful Epoch Analysis data reduction function to reduce large (24-hour) data files to manageable sizes. Analyze both primary signals (such as arterial blood pressure) and derived data (such as Systolic BP). Extract basic measurements from fixed width segments of data. Set “epoch” width to any time interval and key off of scored event […]

Baroreflex Sensitivity Analysis

Baroreflex Sensitivity (BRS) measures the relationship between blood pressure and heart rate. The body regulates blood pressure to ensure proper blood flow to organs underneath different conditions, e.g. supine to standing. Baroreflex sensitivity is a measure of how quickly the blood pressure system can compensate for changes in conditions. Variations in baroreflex sensitivity are useful as a comparative […]

Chaos Plots

Use Chaos analysis to explore the chaotic nature of data, including measurement selection and visualization of time domain attractors in the data. To help evaluate self-similarity in long-term, non-stationary data, source data is mean-adjusted and then integrated. View chaos plots from a regular ECG recording—for a greater understanding of cardiac disease, plot heart rate against […]

Data Logger

BIOPAC offers a variety of logger options with AcqKnowledge® for biopotential data recordings…

ECG Classification

AcqKnowledge® software includes a fully automated ECG classification routine. The robust QRS detector is tuned for human ECG Lead II signals. It attempts to locate QRS complexes and places an event near the center of each QRS complex to classify the type of heartbeat event: Normal—The beat was recognizable as a valid heartbeat falling in […]

ECG Complex Boundaries

The analysis locates QRS, T, and P wave boundaries and defines onset, peak, and end events for each individual complex. The routine does not extract any measurements from the data; the Automated ECG Analysis identifies the boundaries and extracts the measurements. Human: optimizes ECG waveform boundary detection for human ECG Lead II signals. Animal: optimizes […]

Einthoven Triangle and 6-Lead ECG

Use AcqKnowledge’s online calculation channels and powerful Expression Generator to take full advantage of the principle of Einthoven’s triangle to capture Lead II data. Use just two ECG100C amplifiers to obtain six leads of ECG data or one wireless BioNomadix® dual channel ECG module. Acquire data from Lead I and Lead III (or any two […]


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