Left Ventricular Pressure (LVP) Analysis

LVP animal data

Calculate and record left ventricular pressure (LVP) data from acute, chronic and isolated heart preparations. Use the MPMS200 Micro Pressure Measurement System for small vessel recordings, including mouse left and right ventricular blood pressure. Interface with a variety of invasive transducers, including the popular series of Millar Mikro-Tip Catheters.

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AcqKnowledge® extracts various cycle-by-cycle cardiac measures of left ventricular blood pressure data, optionally in conjunction with an ECG Lead II signal. Define events at the systolic pressure and the left ventricular end diastolic pressure (LVEDP) for each cycle; examine the LVP signal and its derivative. Selected preferred location method—Adaptive threshold of 0 plus a percentage of the peak to peak change in pressure OR First zero crossings before contraction. Examines the LVP signal, ECG, and derivative of the LVP signal.

  • If the LVP and ECG signals have not been classified before this analysis is executed, they will be classified automatically.
  • Derivatives of the LVP signal can be pre-existing or can be constructed automatically.

The analysis outputs the following information on a cycle-by-cycle basis and the textual output cites the average of all of these cycle-by-cycle measurements:

Name Abbrev.
Contractility index CI
Developed pressure DP
dP/dt Max
dP/dt Min
End diastolic pressure LVEDP
Minimum pressure Min
QA Interval QA
Recovery time %REC
Systolic pressure SYS
Tension time index TTI



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