Advantages of Laser Doppler Flowmetry

Principally, Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF) makes use of the fact that when a coherent, low-powered laser illuminates tissue, light is scattered in static structures as well as in moving blood cells within the microcirculatory beds. Photons, scattered by the moving blood cells, are spectrally broadened according to the Doppler effect.

LDF is established as an effective and reliable method for the measurement of blood perfusion in the microvasculature because LDF provides continuous, noninvasive and real-time measurement capabilities.

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LDF offers substantial advantages over other methods in the measurement of microvascular blood perfusion. Studies have shown that it is both highly sensitive and responsive to local blood perfusion and is also versatile and easy to use for continuous subject monitoring.

The laser Doppler technique is strictly noninvasive (the probe is not actually required to touch the surface of the tissue) and in no way harms or disturbs the normal physiological state of microcirculation. Furthermore, the small dimensions of available probes enable them to be employed in experimental environments not readily accessible using other techniques.


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