Collect Human Blood Pressure during MRI Experiments

Thursday, May 23, 2019

On Demand Playback

Measuring Continuous, Beat-by-Beat, Blood Pressure (BP) on subjects in the MRI is not an easy task because of the harsh environment and the lack of reliable MR Safe devices. Researchers have lacked options for collecting continuous BP data from human subjects, but things have changed and BIOPAC is now able to offer a new updated MR-Safe blood pressure measurement solution. The updated and improved NIBP-A-MRI, continuous, real-time, beat-to-beat blood pressure measurement system for the MRI developed by Caretaker Medical.

Join Martin Baruch, Chief Technology Officer at CareTaker Medical and Frazer Findlay, CEO of BIOPAC Systems, to learn more about the options for measuring BP from subjects in an MRI. Martin and Frazer will show you the product, how to set it up on a subject, and how to collect data and synchronize it with other physiological signals. While this session will be in our office and not in an MRI, you will understand configuration, data collection, and analysis.

What you will learn:

  • Theory of operation and system validation.
  • How to configure a subject.
  • How to collect great data.
  • How to import and synchronize the data in AcqKnowledge 5.
  • Analyzing the data with other physiological signals.

Plus, see a LIVE DEMO of the product in use.

More MRI training:

Watch: Data Collection in the fMRI Environment

Dual-Channel MRI Gating

Related Webinars:

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