New Citations | Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, Muscles & Computer Mice

Recent Studies using BIOPACs MP-Series (MP160, MP150) data recorders, ECG Amplifiers, and BioNomadix Wireless recorders:

BioNomadix leads for infant skin conductance

Singing style to infants

Mothers around the world sing to infants, presumably to regulate their mood and arousal. Lullabies and playsongs differ stylistically and have distinctive goals. Mothers sing lullabies to soothe and calm infants, and playsongs to engage and excite infants. In the present study, mothers repeatedly sang Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star to their infants (N = 30 dyads), alternating between soothing and playful renditions. Skin conductance of mother and infant was obtained with the BIOPAC MP160 System in conjunction with AcqKnowledge 5.0 software Ag-AgCl electrodes were connected via leads to BIOPAC BioNomadix wireless recorders.

Read the full study: Effects of maternal singing style on mother–infant arousal and behavior (Laura K. Cirelli, Zuzanna B. Jurewicz , & Sandra E. Trehub)


Muscle force used with normal computer mice usage

The present study aimed to identify whether or not an increase in cilliary-muscle contraction force, when the eye-lens is adjusted for viewing at a near distance, results in an increase in trapezius muscle activity, while performing a natural work task.

Tracking performance, eye accommodation, and bilateral trapezius muscle activity were measured continuously. The EMG and ECG signals were recorded during rest periods, reference contractions, and the tracking task. The EMG and ECG signals were amplified, band-pass filtered (EMG 10–500 Hz, ECG 0.05–35 Hz), and sampled at 2000 Hz (EMG100C, BIOPAC Systems, Inc., Santa Barbara, CA, USA). The ECG signal was used to account for disturbances from heart signals on the raw EMG signal.

Read the full study: Effect of ciliary-muscle contraction force on trapezius muscle activity during computer mouse work (Dmitry Domkin, Mikael Forsman, Hans O. Richter)


Filtering Motion Artifacts from ECG Recording

Wearable electrocardiogram (ECG) measurement systems have been widely used in patients with CVD (Cardiovascular Disease) which can be worn in daily lives. However, currently the main problem is motion artifact interference, and reducing motion artifacts (MA) is one of the most challenging problems encountered in the filtering and processing of physiological signals. In this paper, by analyzing the spectral energy changes during the input process of motion artifacts, a cosine transform LMS adaptive cancellation algorithm (DCT-LMS) implementation is proposed aiming to remove the motion artifacts from the ECG.  To get great ECG data for filtering tests, this study used the BIOPAC Research System with ECG100C Amplifier.  

Read the full study: Cancellation of motion artifacts in ambulatory ECG signals using TD-LMS adaptive filtering techniques   (Fan Xiong, Dongyi Chen, Zenghao Chen, Shumei Dai)


New Citations | BIOPAC in Speech and Communication Research

Speech and communication are integral parts of human relationships and development As such,...

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