211 – EEG Analysis With AcqKnowledge

The AcqKnowledge software will record EEG data, filter the data into the specific bandwidths for Alpha, Theta, Beta and Delta, and display the results on-line. Often, researchers also need to quantify the activity in each band.

This Application Note provides a useful technique for analyzing EEG signals and quantifying the activity in each band. This note will explain how to:

  1. Integrate the alpha wave EEG data to get a better view of alpha wave activity.
  2. Identify where the integrated data crosses certain threshold values.
  3. Measure the amount of time that was spent in a heightened alpha state and count the number of times that the subject entered the state.

This note describes the procedure for working off-line with a saved data file, but you can also perform these functions online (as noted at each step).

The examples in this note use a raw EEG signal taken from a human subject and filtered to show the Alpha wave activity.


Associated Files

Associated Applications

  • EEG: Electroencephalography - Wired and wireless EEG solutions. Record up to 32 channels of EEG and use software features for filtering, removing EOG artifacts, and complete frequency analysis.
  • ERS: Evoked Response - Record evoked, late, and field potentials, as well as startle and nerve conduction. Powerful on- and off-line averaging features (P300), and dual stimulation ability with the MP150.
  • Psychophysiology - Record and analyze BP, ECG, HRV, EDA, EMG, EEG, EOG, RSP, etc. Interface to stimulus presentation programs...use automated analysis routines to easily score and analyze data.
  • Sleep Studies - Long term recordings with up to 16 channels of data. Record EEG, EOG, EMG, respiration, temp., sound, limb position and more. Filter out EEG frequencies to score sleep stages.
  • Amplifiers & Interfaces - Use BIOPAC amplifiers with MP Systems, as stand-alone devices, or with 3rd-party flow meters, force plates, sono-micrometers, telemetry equipment, metabolic carts, etc.
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging with BIOPAC Equipment - Electrodes, electrode leads, transducers, and stimulus options for safe data acquisition in the MRI. Record biopotentials, temperature, respiration, EDA, dynamometry, blood pressure, etc.


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