158 – Analyzing Inspired & Expired Lung Volume

This application note describes how to use the AcqKnowledge software to automatically determine inspired and expired lung volume on a breath-by-breath basis. The Application Note assumes that you have a BIOPAC TSD107B, TSD117, SS11A, or equivalent pneumotach airflow transducer. The documented procedure can be used to analyze human or animal data.

Associated Files

Associated Applications

  • Exercise Physiology - Examine ventilation, oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide production, biopotentials, temp., and biomechanical signals simultaneously. Record wirelessly with BioNomadix.
  • Amplifiers & Interfaces - Use BIOPAC amplifiers with MP Systems, as stand-alone devices, or with 3rd-party flow meters, force plates, sono-micrometers, telemetry equipment, metabolic carts, etc.


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