162 – Stimulation Features of MP160/150/100 Systems

MP System (MP160, MP150, MP100) stimulation features provide a powerful vehicle for outputting a variety of wave shapes of varying duration, coincident with the data acquisition process. This application note will focus on the following output requirements:
  • Short-term wave output once during an acquisition
  • Short-term wave output repeatedly during an acquisition
  • Long-term wave output during an acquisition

Associated Files

Associated Applications

  • EEG: Electroencephalography - Wired and wireless EEG solutions. Record up to 32 channels of EEG and use software features for filtering, removing EOG artifacts, and complete frequency analysis.
  • ERS: Evoked Response - Record evoked, late, and field potentials, as well as startle and nerve conduction. Powerful on- and off-line averaging features (P300), and dual stimulation ability with the MP150.
  • Psychophysiology - Record and analyze BP, ECG, HRV, EDA, EMG, EEG, EOG, RSP, etc. Interface to stimulus presentation programs...use automated analysis routines to easily score and analyze data.
  • Cardiovascular Hemodynamics - Hardware for human and animals. Measure continuous BP, ECG, stroke volume, cardiac output, PPG, etc. For animal and tissue look at acute and chronic dose-response.
  • In vitro Pharmacology - Record from tissue bath, isolated organ, Ussing chamber, or use field stimulation. Advanced algorithms analyze Langendorff, working heart, and isolated perfused lung data.
  • MER: Micro-electrode Recording - Use micro-electrodes and MCE100C amplifier to record in-vivo or in-vitro from organisms, organs, tissues, brain slices, and cells. Record from up to 16 amplifiers simultaneously.
  • Exercise Physiology - Examine ventilation, oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide production, biopotentials, temp., and biomechanical signals simultaneously. Record wirelessly with BioNomadix.
  • EMG: Electromyography - Record surface, needle, and fine wire EMG—or wireless EMG with BioNomadix. Use real-time integration tools for immediate analysis or use automated EMG analysis routines.
  • Biomechanics - Use BIOPAC equipment for gait analysis, goniometry, ergonomics evaluation, range of motion, EMG, Remote Monitoring or to interface with third-party equipment.


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