140 – Goniometers: Angular Measurements

Goniometers are devices capable of transforming angular position into a proportional electrical signal. The TSD130 series goniometers incorporate gauge elements which measure bending strain along or around a particular axis. The bending strain is proportional to the sum total angular shift along the axis. Because the bending force is extremely small, the output signal is uniquely a proportional function of the angular shift.

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Associated Applications

  • Exercise Physiology - Examine ventilation, oxygen uptake, carbon dioxide production, biopotentials, temp., and biomechanical signals simultaneously. Record wirelessly with BioNomadix.
  • EMG: Electromyography - Record surface, needle, and fine wire EMG—or wireless EMG with BioNomadix. Use real-time integration tools for immediate analysis or use automated EMG analysis routines.
  • Biomechanics - Use BIOPAC equipment for gait analysis, goniometry, ergonomics evaluation, range of motion, EMG, Remote Monitoring or to interface with third-party equipment.


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