Fundamentals of Physiological Data Recording

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

On-Demand Playback

Biopac Student Lab and Biopac Science Lab



Understanding the basic principles of physiological data collection is critical to both educators and researchers who teach and conduct physiology experiments. Configuring your equipment and knowing the fundamentals of data collection will help you avoid making costly missteps and even refine your current experiment. Frazer Findlay, CEO of BIOPAC, recognizes common mistakes with physiology recording and shares his secrets for collecting great data. Utilizing over 20 years of experience in the life sciences monitoring industry, Frazer outlines important guidelines by conducting a live demo with real-world examples and live data collection.

Watch now to learn:

  • How to prep a subject and where to place electrodes
  • Which type of electrodes work for different body signals
  • Analog to Digital Conversion
  • Sample rates (correct vs. incorrect)
  • Filtering
  • Scaling and calibration

Fundamentals of Physiology Presentation Slides

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