15 Questions

Top 15 Questions to ask before investing in a Data Acquisition System

  1. What are the physiological variables of research interest?
  2. What are the conditions in which physiological data will be collected? e.g., heart rate while sitting or performing action.
  3. Determine the stimuli to be used and stimuli software, if any.
  4. Does the data acquisition system match above three experimental requirements?
  5. Are there any peer-reviewed papers that have used the data acquisition system under consideration? If yes, how many citations?
  6. How do the collaborators/colleagues who use the data acquisition system rate it?
  7. Are the data analyses capabilities included in the data acquisition system?
  8. If not, are easily accessible, low cost options such as scripting or use of MATLAB toolbox available?
  9. Can stimuli (or epochs or stimulus conditions) be marked on the data files?
  10. Is the system compatible with the other instruments such as imaging?
  11. Does the system have an ability to measure additional variables in the future?
  12. What are the terms of sales and services (after sale)?
  13. Does the cost of the instrument fit into the budget proposal?
  14. What is the cost of supplies? Are there any recurring or repair costs?
  15. Have you viewed the demos of the data acquisition and/or analysis systems?


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