AcqKnowlege license for FaceReader expression analysis

AcqKnowledge Interface for FaceReader

FaceReader is the premier professional software for automatic analysis of facial expressions

Real-time expression data synchronized with Physiology data and/or eye tracking

More reasons to smile!

This is a license add-on for AcqKnowledge to integrate FaceReader 9—the interface license does not include FaceReader software.

Emotion reading software locks onto a subject’s face and analyzes facial movements to classify subject’s response. Easily integrate with physiological parameters from an MP160 Research System or eye tracking data. When you start AcqKnowledge to begin recording, FaceReader data is automatically synchronized and recorded in the same graph file. Monitor data in the FaceReader display for real-time feedback. Classifications include

  • happy
  • sad
  • scared
  • disgusted
  • surprised
  • angry
  • contempt
  • neutral

FaceReader 9 also provides gaze direction, head orientation, and person characteristics, such as gender and age.

The license add-on requires current release AcqKnowledge software; Check version details in the software “About” dialog and see upgrade options if necessary.

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FR-INTERFACE is a License add-on for AcqKnowledge 5 to integrate FaceReader 9.0—the interface license does not include FaceReader software. If you have an older version of FaceReader software, please contact BIOPAC to confirm compatibility.

FaceReader Facial Expression Classifier

FaceReader - Contempt classifier

Noldus The Observer XT Import/Export in AcqKnowledge


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