BioNomadix & NDT transform EMG data into sound for Compagnie Linga dance

Wireless EMG data

BioNomadix devices were used to collect impulses produced by the movements and muscular activity of dancers, and then Network Data Transfer and digital programming were used to transform the activity into sound, creating a live “soundtrack” for the performance.

This process was utilized in a choreographic work called Step 1, a collaborative development by Marco Cantalupo and Katarzyna Gdaniec, directors and choreographers of Compagnie Linga, the Institute of Sport Studies of the University of Lausanne (ISSUL), and Alain Crevoisier of Future Instruments. Step 1 received extremely positive reactions when it premiered to a select audience at the University of Lausanne in September 2011.

The company used the same technology with seven dancers in a work which premiered in Lausanne in February 2012—click to watch re-mapping the body.

BIOPAC Wireless EMG and NDT used to create soundtrack

BioNomadix wireless physiology amplifiers offer great potential for opening multiple artistic applications…available for ECG, EEG, EGG, EMG, EOG, Respiration, Temperature, Pulse, EDA, Impedance Cardiography, Gyroscopes, Accelerometry, Goniometry, Dynamometry, and Strike (i.e., Heel-Toe).


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