Research System Training in Geneva, June 4

A BIOPAC Research Seminar will take place in Geneva on Friday, June 4th from 9 am to 5 pm.

The seminar will be hosted by:

Swiss Center for Affective Sciences
University of Geneva – CISA
7, rue des Battoirs
CH 1205 Geneva

The purpose of the seminar is to provide training for both data acquisition and analysis using the BIOPAC research system.

Here is an agenda for the seminar:

– Proper hardware setup

– Subject preparation for biopotential recording

– Hands-on data acquisition

– Software setup

– User interface functions

– Data analysis hands-on exercise (bring your own laptop)

– Basic data analysis

– Exporting measurements

– Marker-based analysis

-Advanced data analysis and a brief introduction to scripting

The cost of attendance is Euro 250 and only 8 seats are going to be made available.
Please contact as soon as possible to reserve one of the remaining spots.


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