Eye Tracker – ViewPoint Manual


The ViewPoint EyeTracker® provides a complete eye movement evaluation environment including integrated stimulus presentation, simultaneous eye movement, and pupil diameter monitoring.

New users should study Chapters 2, 3 and 4 to get started:

  • Chapter 2: Overview of ViewPoint Describes the theory and provides an overview of the design of the ViewPoint EyeTracker ®.


  • Chapter 3: Installation and Setup of the video capture hardware and driver installation process and ViewPoint EyeTracker ® software installation.
  • Chapter 4: Tutorial A brief tutorial designed to help new users start recording eye movements very quickly and easily.
  • The most comprehensive reference section is Chapter 14 ViewPoint Interface: GUI, SDK, CLP
    • This chapter covers all aspects of the eye tracker and should be referred to often.

    The remaining chapters each deal with a different task or set of tasks that the user will want to perform and provide some helpful background to eye tracking.

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