Citation Spotlight | Menstrual Cycle-Driven Hormones & Brain Changes

Viktoriya Babanko, BIOPACBIOPAC is pleased to recognize the first-author contribution of Viktoriya Babenko, BIOPAC Research Scientist, for Menstrual cycle-driven hormone concentrations co-fluctuate with white and grey matter architecture changes across the whole brain, a study that evolved from her PhD Dissertation work for her degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB). The study, which she and her colleague Elizabeth Rizor first-authored together, used MRI to examine the brains of 30 naturally cycling, young, healthy female participants at different stages of their menstrual cycle. The results are the first to report simultaneous brain-wide changes in human white matter microstructure and cortical thickness coinciding with menstrual cycle-driven hormone rhythms.

The study has just been featured in The Washington Post | BRAIN MATTERS article Women’s brains change across the menstrual cycle, by .

Viktoriya and her fellow researchers also garnered notable media attention when bioRxiv released the preprint.

  • Inverse “A Novel Study Reveals A Strong Correlation Between The Menstrual Cycle And Brain Changes”
  • National Geographic (España) | Science “Hormones modify the structure of the brain during the menstrual cycle”
  • Live Science “Menstrual cycle linked to structural changes across whole brain”

The study is currently in the process of peer review for publication. See other Viktoriya Babenko citations here.

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