Use Case | Teamwork & Social/Behavioral Psych

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Teamwork & Social/Behavioral Psychology | Use Case Citations

Your colleagues are using BIOPAC and publishing research on teamwork and social/behavioral psychology—see a sample of citations below.


  • Collect data from subjects wirelessly as they complete their tasks and interact with colleagues
  • Get feedback from round-table and complex work exchanges
  • Improve performance and understand group dynamics
  • Increase training efficiency with real-time metrics
Technology Options

Eye Tracking

BioShirt wireless, wearable ECG and Respiration

MedeloOpt fNIRS+EEG

B-Alert X-Series EEG & Cognitive States

Facial Expression Analysis

Virtual Reality/Immersive Environments

Related Use Cases


Multiparticipant Studies

Workspace design

Other Industries

Productivity Analysis


Selected Citations


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