New Citations | Physiological Measures to Understand Stress

BIOPAC provides software and hardware that allows research teams to study physiological measures related to stress. Here are a few notable studies using BIOPAC equipment for ECGEDA, and EEG/ERP.

Moms Moderating StressNeal E Johnson

Can relaxation techniques help lower stress on both mother and fetus? Using an MP36R Data Acquisition system to record ECG and EDA, this study was able to measure how each mother’s body reacted to music, guided imagery, or resting relaxing exercises. Were they able to mitigate potential negative effects of maternal stress? Read the full study: Acute relaxation during pregnancy leads to a reduction in maternal electrodermal activity and self-reported stress levels (Ilena Bauer, Julia Hartkopf, Anna-Karin Wikstrom, Nora K. Schaal, Hubert Preissl, Birgit Derntl, Franziska Schleger)

Green with Envious Stress Levels

If kids won’t eat their greens, could introducing more greens in video games help relieve stress? These researchers compared a natural video game setting against an urban video game setting while collecting wireless CG and EDA from a BioNomadix module. Would the participants be more or less stressed based on their virtual surroundings while interacting with the virtual worlds? Read the full study: Nature vs. Stress: Investigating the Use of Biophilia in Non-Violent Exploration Games to Reduce Stress (Adrian Reetz, Deltcho Valtchanov, Michael Barnett-Cowan, Mark Hancock, James R. Wallace)

Too Hot to Think

Like hypothermia affects cognitive function from being too cold, could being too hot produce related results? By turning up the heat on participants in intervals while they completed Flanker tests and recording heart rate on a BIOPAC Data Acquisition system, these scientists were able to assess the effects of heat stress on cognitive function. Read the full study: Effects of passive heat stress and recovery on human cognitive function: An ERP study (Hiroki Nakata, Ryusuke Kakigi, Manabu Shibasaki)


New Citations | BIOPAC in Speech and Communication Research

Speech and communication are integral parts of human relationships and development As such,...

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