Cycling, Swimming, and Social Power—New Citations

Brand new publications have been released featuring BIOPAC solutions. These new papers include:

  • Maximal Effort Cycling Test: Researchers evaluated EMG frequency changes during a three-minute maximal effort cycling test session and examined whether mean or median frequency was better for evaluation. Raw EMG signals were recorded with an MP150 system and analyzed using here.

  • Swim Performance and Perceived Stress: This study examined effects of training load on psychological and performance variables for collegiate female athletes across a season. A BIOPAC MP36R was used to record tension and compression from the starting platform of the first lane at the pool. Read the entire study here.

  • Health Benefits from Stability in Social Power: This paper studied the influence that the stability of social power has on cardiovascular responses. Impedance-cardiographic and electrocardiographic signals were recorded using a BIOPAC MP150 system using ECG100C and NICO100C amplifiers. Download the study here.

You can find these studies and more over on our publications page.


New Citations | BIOPAC in Speech and Communication Research

Speech and communication are integral parts of human relationships and development As such,...

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