EDA SCR Analysis Guide for Psychological Experiments updated

Electrodermal Activity (EDA) is an increasingly important variable in psychological science. Refinements in analysis techniques and methods of handling EDA data and making it fit for final analysis and interpretation follow ongoing improvements in technology, methodology, and reporting. Such advancements also leave room for some controversies over how EDA should be analyzed in given circumstances.

This document is designed primarily for use by non-experts in research on EDA. It provides a digestible guide of how to go from EDA data acquisition to meaningful EDA results in a few basic steps with BIOPAC Research Systems and AcqKnowledge software:

A Guide for Analysing Electrodermal Activity (EDA) & Skin Conductance Responses (SCRs) for Psychological Experiments (Dr Jason J Braithwaite, Dr Derrick G Watson, Robert Jones, Mickey Rowe; revised version 2.0 2015).

Section 1.1: Background
Section 1.2: Terms & Definitions
Section 1.3: Methodological Issues with Quantifying Tonic EDA / SCL
Section 1.4: Methodological Issues with Quantifying Phasic ER-SCRs
Section 1.5: Methodological Tips for Reliable EDA Measurements
Section 1.6: Data Transformations: Normalizations & Standardizations
Section 1.7: Standardizations for Individual Differences
Section 2.0: Setting up
Section 2.1: Analysis: Getting Started
Section 2.2: How to Identify the Phasic SCR Components from the Tonic EDA
Section 2.4: Using the Event-related analysis routine
Section 2.5: What do the Event-related Numbers refer to (or how are they calculated)
Section 2.6: Find Cycle routine – additional event-related measurement method
Section 3.0: Triggering for Event-related analyses
Section 3.1: A Brief Worked Example with Trigger Information
Section 4.0: Appendix I – Good Practice for EDA Measurements
Section 4.1: Appendix II – Useful Equations


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